What to do with your pumpkins?
What can you do with your Halloween pumpkins? Here are several ways you can dispose of your pumpkins after the holidays.
Make a Snack-0-Lantern. You can recycle your pumpkin and turn it into a pumpkin feeder for the squirrels and birds!
Compost them. They make great additions to your compost pile. Make sure to remove the seeds to prevent any unwanted pumpkin plants. Learn how to start one here.
Bury it. This is a great alternative if you do not have a compost heap.
Create Pumpkin Planters. If your pumpkin is uncarved, you can cut off the tops, remove the seeds and pumpkin flesh, add potting soil and place your plant into the pumpkin! These planters can stay on your porch for a few days or plant it right away. The pumpkin will break down naturally and provide great fertilizer for your plant