Community Classes

Register early to ensure availability

Review our Community Program Guide for all the details.



General Information

If you are still seeking a greater understanding of a sliding scale model, review the pricing options below.

We keep our program registration numbers to a low capacity to allow the learner to build a deeper connection with our farm and the farm community. Therefore, there are a limited amount of slots available. Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale, when you can truthfully afford the higher prices, you are limiting access to those who need the gift of financial flexibility. (words from Worts and Cunning)

Previous Programs:

  • Farmer Patty in the Production Garden

    Intro to Gardening and Soil Health

    In this introductory course for community adults and teens, we will explore successful strategies for small-scale gardening in Michigan climates and present best practices for improving soil health by utilizing compost.

    This is a two part series

    Compost focus & Garden Focus

    Ages 16+

  • Student planting seeds

    Farm Investigations: Use Less, Grow More

    Join us for projects and experiments to celebrate our beautiful planet! We will get out our shovels and explore how certain materials break down in the “soil food web.” Kids will create a healthy soil mix for their seed of choice and get creative by making an “urban pack kit” that can be used for lunches or meals on the go (a great alternative to single-use plastics).

  • Youth Hiking in the Forest

    Literature at the Farm: The Hike

    Books! Food! Creative Writing! Farm fun! What could be better? This program focuses on bringing literature to life on the farm. Students will read an award-winning book, participate in farm-related activities, and then create a very special book of their own. Our book for this spring session will be The Hike by Alison Farrell

  • Youth Holding a Worm

    Farm Investigations: Make the Most of Compost

    What IS compost and why is it so cool? Kids will check out our steaming hot compost pile at the farm to learn about all the microbes using scientific tools such as a microscope. They will also explore the inner workings of a worm farm and discover the benefits they provide to our soil.

  • Hop Into Summer

    Ages 3-5 with a caregiver

    Summer is nearly here! Hop on over to Bowers to see what’s buzzing. We will learn about our bee hives and sample honey, gather farm-fresh eggs, visit the garden to see what’s growing, and visit our favorite four-legged (and two-legged) farm friends. We’ll wrap up the day with a wagon ride around the pasture, and share a summer-themed story. Join us with your favorite toddler.

  • Student Riding a Horse

    Mane to Tail

    Ages 4-8 with a caregiver

    Join us in an introductory program for your child ages 4 - 8 years. This is a 3-week program with 1-hour classes scheduled each week.

    Your child will be shown how to safely be around horses and ponies. The instructor will teach basic riding of a horse or pony while an adult family member leads and acts as a spotter during the riding segment.

  • Student putting on riding gear

    Hold Your Horses

    Ages 6-14

    This 2-part program is designed to provide a foundation for working successfully with and around horses. Participants will gain new insights and skills that will enrich their time spent with and around horses and make them more proficient in their care and safety.

  • Saddle up in September

    Ages 10-15

    This is an introductory 4-week equine program. Learn the difference between English and Western riding.

Looking For More Programming?