Scout or Small Group Programs

Explore a variety of focused topics from bugs to plants through hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences.
We’ve designed these programs to meet scout badge requirements and can adapt to meet your group’s needs.

All programs: 10 to 24 scouts/children (and up to 4 adult chaperones and 2 scout leaders) ♦ 2 hours ♦ $16pp

Days/Times: Thursdays 4:30p-6:30p and Saturdays 9:30-11:30a

Additional fees may apply to certain programs (e.g. Locavore, Garden Kitchen)

View our School & Group Programs Welcome Packet & FAQ to plan your visit.

Click HERE to view Johnson Nature Center’s learning opportunities.

Children in Garden

Ready, Set, Grow

Cub Scout Lion Adventurer or Ages 4-6

Explore all the places where we grow and manage food at the farm. What does a plant need to survive, and how does the farmer take care of a garden? Discover where our food comes from through different games, activities, and sightseeing.

Season: October-November & June

Children painting

Outdoor Art Maker

Daisy or Ages 4-6

Explore the farm through the eyes of an artist. Investigate the different shapes, colors and sounds that can be found all over the farm. Gather inspiration through various crafts and games.

Season: October-November & March-June


Seniors or Ages 12+

Explore the farm through the eyes of a Locavore- people who are committed to eating locally grown, seasonal foods. Explore and harvest in our production gardens, learn how to make simple local recipes, and work with our chef educator to create your own seasonal planting calendar.

Season: July-September

Child holding a chicken

5 Flowers, 4 stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!

Daisy or Ages 4-6

What is one similarity between people and animals? We all need care! This program is designed to get scouts engaged with caring for themselves, while also understanding what it takes to care for the animals on the farm.

Season: October-November & March-June

Outdoor Adventurer

Brownie or Ages 7-9

Want to become an environmental steward? Nature is both beautiful and exciting! Hike and explore, care for an animal, play games and grow more adventurous and confident in the outdoors.

Season: October-November & March-June

Farm Tour

Any Age

Take a tour of the farm with one of our educational guides! Engage in hands-on activities to learn how we care for our animals and our land.

Season: All Seasons

The World of Bugs

Brownie or Ages 7-9

From perky pollinators to crawling critters, discover the smallest creatures living at the farm. Investigate as scientists and engage in crafts, projects or games.

Season: April-June

Children sledding

Snow Adventure

Daisy or Ages 4-6

Winter in Michigan is a special time to head outdoors! Learn about the ways to enjoy the cold weather here at the farm, like sledding and hiking. Keep warm with hot cocoa while enjoying shared experiences in the snow.

Season: December-February (Pending Snow)

Does not include access to Winter Park.

Scout & Small Group Programs at Johnson Nature Center

Johnson Nature Center also offers small group and scout programs for badges.

Please go to their website for more information and to register.