Tamworth Hogs
A Little about Tamworth Hogs
A heritage breed of hogs that originated from England, the Tamworth breed is often referred to as the “bacon type” of hog. Tamworths are red color hogs with erect ears that are deep sided (bacon), long bodied, and big rumped (hams). They were first introduced into the United States in 1882. Tamworths are an extremely rugged and hardy type of pigs that do extremely well being raised on pasture.
Our New Animals
Our Tamworth gilts arrived at the end of September from Maryland. Tizzy and Maude were shown very successfully in 4H by the Francis’ girls. Both gilts are extremely friendly. They were both bred in the beginning of September with estimated due dates of January 5th. We will be confirming that they were bred in mid-October via Preg-tone (a sound wave tool used to determine pregnancy in hogs).