Winter Ice Ornament


  • Water 

  • Wintery Natural Elements (Pine Cones, Pine Needles, Cranberries, Orange Slices, etc.) 

  • Food Coloring (optional) 

  • Twine 

  • Something to freeze the ornaments in- you can use muffin trays, cake pans, etc. 



  1. Take a walk near your house to gather natural materials or use things from your kitchen. 

  2. Next, fill your container up with water and add in your materials. At this time you will want to add your twine in for hanging the ornament later. Make sure to lay excess twine outside the container so it can be tied in a loop after it freezes.

  3. When adding larger items such as pine cones, fill up the container only half way then freeze. Once frozen you can continue filling it up then freeze again. These items float and this will help them to stay in place. 

  4. If you’re looking to add food coloring to your ornament, let the water freeze slightly before adding. This will allow you to add color without it all mixing in together. 

  5. These ornaments can be put in your freezer or outside if it’s cold enough! 

  6. Depending on the size you make, the ornaments can take several hours to even overnight to freeze. 

  7. Once frozen, to get the ornaments out of the containers, pour lukewarm water over the top quickly and then run it over the bottom of the container. Cover the ornament with your hand so it doesn’t fall, and it should pop right out as the water warms it slightly.

  8. Your ice ornaments are now ready to hang outside! 


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