FFA Annual Flower Basket Fundraiser - May 2022
AFNR Updates: March 2022
The Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources students have had a busy couple of months!
We have started our hanging basket fundraiser with the delivery and planting of over 1,250 Proven Winners Petunia flowers into baskets. Each of these individual flower plugs were arranged into 12” pots that created 7 different basket variaties! Some returning favorites this year are the Sangria and Candyland, while our school colors basket (The BlackHawk) includes a NEW Black Mamba petunia planted with a purple Bordeaux. In total, students planted 190 baskets and will be monitoring greenhouse conditions, creating a plan to fertilize the flowers, and will be pruning and watering as needed. These baskets will be available for sale in early May so keep an eye on the website for when we will start taking online orders!
Our Bloomfield Hills FFA chapter is celebrating Emma Salle for her research project that has qualified to be presented at the Arthur Berkley Science Fair taking place at the 94th Michigan FFA State Convention. Her research focused on the impact of hands-on, animal based experiences and the information retention of students. Emma will present her research to a panel of judges on March 9th in the Wharton Center at Michigan State University.
We made some time this month to make a trip out to the Johnson Nature Center and participate in the Sugar Maple Tapping. Students were able to engage in the process of maple tapping using a brand new tubing collection system, which was cool to see what the current industry standard for maple sap collection is like.
AFNR Updates: October 2021
Students in the Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Pathway have been hard at work already this school year! Students are currently engaged in developing research projects around issues in AFNR, some examples include evaluating the impact of various proteins on weight gain in meat chickens and the impact of hands on, place-based education on student learning from farm field trips.
We also had our first FFA chapter meeting to discuss plans for the school year including our broiler chicken fundraiser and brainstorming our children’s activity for our vendor booth at the Fall Festival!
Check out our instagram @bloomfieldhillsffa over the next few months for MI commodity highlights about apples, pumpkins, turkeys, and Christmas trees. Our FFA reporter, Sophia Koukios, is leading our chapter in the Michigan Farm Bureau #SpeakAgChallenge to spread awareness of all the amazing commodities that Michigan produces!